Friday 10 February 2017


Imagination facilitation interaction collaboration

 Graphite pencil

Drawing with light



Hair weaving

Crochet hook holder

Gravel ice

Puddle ice in the landscape

Wednesday 1 February 2017


31 st  Dec 2016

At Brison Veor

Arived at Cape Cornwall such a great location with a  wild atmosphere, I had to get outside to look around and drawn the rocks and waves  I used black permanent marker, local mud and vegetation, .  In the evening worked on crochet square thinking of warmth and mothers love.

  'The end of 2016 year' with a glass of mulled  none alcohol punch . The smell of cinnamon and cloves moved through the building giving a friendly welcoming aroma to start a new year. Sent off texts to friends and family but in this technology isolation I made a  choice not to wait for replies.

Sunday first day of the new year.
1 st Jan 2017

Weather wild and new plans were on the horizon  .We made  trip to lans end and St. Just  I decided to complete my isolation by ditching the transport , I wanted to mindfully slow down absorb this place .

B.V. A great place to meditate and stay calm get in touch with your soul.
In the  studio I developed 10 small abstractions from plain air w/ c sketch of beach. Gathered mud and sea water .  Developed a series of mono prints and painted using acrylic on board Black and White set a recurrent theme of my recent work. Worked from memory.

Monday 2nd Jan 17
Great sunlight we walked to the top of the Perth Ledden  the coast guard  Look out , I did a lone performance practice .
Worked on my theme of black crochet squares did shadow play with the made shadows on rocks and stones in Priest Cove.
Woked on weaving my own hair into a small woven sample. Worked with marbling acrylic inks in studio and had a play with graphite.
Documented all work using smart phone and S L R digital camera.
Performance pre runner ritualised bleaching of  crochet black squares at  midnight under the moon light.

Shaddow on a Stone at Priest Cove

Tuesday  3rd Jan 17

A beautiful day with  crystal clear light and no wind .
Experiment bleaching  of black squares failed , decided to cover in wax and burn at midnight as a performance process.

The Burning Video Performance

Around Midnight we went outside and  identified star consolations Orian,The Great Bear the North Star and the milky way. The moon wax waxing in the firs quarter, . Lit a tea light , swung my  acrylic wool square into the flame it exploded into flames. Took Video to be edited later.

Thursday 5th Jan 17

Filming Gravel Brushing

Very mild silver grey day went down to the cove mid morning to film performance of gravel brushing . The tide was full and turning in the cove and no one about.
I performed the gravel brushing with a broom and made a small Bronze Age shaped long barrow miniature structure.

Filmed Anointing a Rock
I then performed a ritualised collection of sea water and 'water anointing' of a rock . It reminded of a child hood memorie pretend painting with water on a old coal bunker we had in the garden of my parents house the bunker was made of cement and got discoloured as you painted it with water.
 Miriam kindly assisted and filmed .

Friday 6 th Jan 17

Up early watched the day light arrive silver day very windy and their was a extra high tide .  . Reviewed further plans for development with Miriam the book layout and wax modelling collaboration for the future.
Their was a gale force 9 wind today.

Saturday 7th Jan sadly said good bye to this fantastic place .

Diane Roberts